2011-03-29 Heartache

Hello, we can feel your heartache and that is important. It means your soul is awake and you can see and feel the suffering of your fellow humans. You have a particular karmic and lineage connection to the great nation of Japan, and it is in that that you will become initiated to become much more than that which you are just now. There is indeed a lot happening. You will be able to publish information to help the people of the world as they destroy the cabal that so long ago you failed to, not by your own merits but by the mistakes of others in your team and their leadership, that you may right the whole of the wrong done to the solar system and the galaxy.

Wow is it that important? What am I supposed to do then? It sounds like a task well beyond me.
You are where you are for a very important reason. The radiation cannot be seen or felt yet by the people of the world. But you do know what the names of the perpetrators are. They must be unveiled and revealed to the public in ways that you have abilities to maker a difference in. There is not a magical formula that you will need to remember, just a simple progression that will appear to be normal for you. There is a long road ahead but the end of the road is clarity, freedom and a release from the shackles that have bound this planet for millennia. There is little to tell you now as it will all unfold at a natural pace but you will know that what we have told you will come to pass and that the ones you have known will be vindicated and justified. Your task was as a scout. You will help keep the galaxy from the tyranny that would have manifested. You do not need to do anything, go anywhere, except if it pleases you. Your task is to see, and we see through your eyes and then we will know and you will see it come to pieces before your eyes. All in its naturral order of time.

So do I need to go out handing leaflets?
Not unless you feel strongly to. Your task, as we have said, is to learn, to learn as much as you can about the nature of the beast. Humans must understand that they are not the subjects of these beasts any longer, but they are still in their thrall, as they have had nothing else to compare it to. You on the other hand have had an inkling that something was wrong. It has been a feature of all of your incarnations… a certain tone. This has been no bad thing in the end, but it has meant that you have not had such an enjoyable time living here than most.
What about the comet? I had this vision… did I see what was to happen later this year?
You did indeed. There is no cause for alarm, as you will be protected wherever you are. Your soul is much too precious. We will also be able to perform an extraction at the final moments of your life, so you may finally return home. Your timeline will be reset and things will remain in their golden state. The sad part is, no-one will ever know. You may write a book about it perhaps, just so that there can be some kind of record..

So it will be stuck in some kind of temporal loop, but not a main timeline?
The idea of timelines is as you know a little more complex than simple thread-like strands or streams of timestuff but in essence there will remain a backwater where your present existence will remain. It is a rich seam of experience for many travellers, students and tourists, but in the end it will wither away and become like a museum piece that is simply some kind of curiosity. Its relegation to that phase or state will indeed be due to your team of hundreds of thousands of others all receiving the impulse.

2009-10-14 Upgrading for Transitions

Ok good to hear from you.
We are currently upgrading many many people for the coming transitions. You can help us by finding those who will be amongst the first wave. Your task is simply to make contact with others who will be led towards you. The rest will be telepathic and automatic. This process will be and is completely natural.

We are aware that recently certain doubts have arisen in you regarding this contact we have, and the possibility that you are being controlled in some way by some kind of government organisation.

Well the thoughts had begun to cross my mind.
And rightly so, you must look at all sides. Now the test for whether we were authentic must be of your own making. Perhaps a set of demonstrations may be required. You will be required that the connection is solid stable and leak proof.

And secure?
Yes indeed noone can eavesdrop on this technology. The Annunaki have something but it is very difficult to set up and required a lot of energy to work and it doesn’t work all the time. So effectively, no.

2010-05-18 Accelerated Times

Yes indeed it seems we are definitely living in accelerated times.
You are right, and you may be wondering where the ideas are coming from you can see something forming and only something that has been waiting for now. Like you have indeed been waiting for those who are up to speed these are the people who are where you want to start. You have a good talent for taking someone all the way to their ultimate reality and you will excel in doing this as a service to the planet. You are not awed by them neither are you gullible to them.

So my next career is on Internet radio?
Yes indeed as you said recently you have all and more credentials to be a broadcaster. You have a hobby of seeking truth and wisdom and have the connections, and wherewithal to produce something.

And what if I am spotted by the powers that be
You forget this is divinely ordained and whatever happens is what happens but do not be afraid and you will be safe. Remember the love principle.

Is there an inner earth?
Yes indeed and you will be among the first wave to enter. You will be greeted by members of your home race who you will have missed. There will be much celebration and you will represent your people in a small but significant way. You will be transformed somewhat then and your reappearance in society will be literally remarkable and noone will know how you are able to do what you do but you will be able to say it is normal and you will represent the future in a way that you cannot imagine right now. But you can see the difference between what you know right now, and what the average person in the street knows. This is the gap that will create the vacuum that will haul you into its torrent. You will be among the few who will have been prepared to explain to people who you will know. The time is not yet, but there is a smaller and smaller time you will have to wait. It will be upon you sooner than you think. In the mean time, just do what you do, make your garden, tidy up. Have fun, make love, make joy, make music.

2012-11-13 Eclipse Meditation

If you are in a world of the technical, take some space from it. Perhaps if possible switch off the mains current. Sit quietly, and allow the things in your life that are pulling you…

You will be aware there are many things going on in space at the moment. One is that there are other bodies in our solar system, which are impinging on your gravity.

Once the wave hits there will be illumination of bodies that were previously invisible. The visibility will persist for a short time. Long enough to show up new members of your solar system family.

So when the eclipse happens tonight, what would be the best attitude to be in

If you are in a world of the technical, take some space from it. Perhaps if possible switch off the mains current.

Sit quietly, Breathe deeply, Exhaling allow the things in your life that are pulling you backwards to the past, to slip gently into the past.

Allow the worries you have about the future to dissolve, let them slip back into the future.

Breathe and remain in the Now for as long as you can.

Create a new world in your mind for as long as you can.

Be calm, use light and sound and form in your creation.

Sit with a crystal in your hand.

Make the vision the happiest you can possibly imagine.

2010-12-16 Nazis and Economic War

There is a lot happening above your heads. There is a war going on and no-one is aware of it happening. There is indeed an economic war going on between china and the central bankers that will end soon enough in a devastating blow to the western status quo. You may suspect something of that nature. Since we last spoke there have been communications in the treaty-making classes of the various factions that are fighting over your control. They still are not aware fully of what a paradigm they have trapped themselves into all these millennia, they could have evolved themselves, but that was their way. Now they have all of their children with them and it is going to be a jolly ride for the next 3600 years.

So is there a parallel between now and 1938?
Yes there is and you have hit the nail on the head. However now you know what is to come and you can warn people. One at a time. You realised it tonight. Will people listen?

Who can defeat the Nazis?
We have many means available to us but the boil has to come to the surface to be lanced. It is long time coming. Once they are out in the open the reverse of their glorious plan will manifest. They will be turned on. The humans will do it. They will wake up. With a little help from us of course. There are many of us among you. You are one of them. There is a kind of glamour in the starseed concept. It is more like an undercover sleeper agent. There is much to be done and quietly. One day it will arise in unison. There will be that day soon.
There is a movement building that will cleanse the world of all the evil that has existed on it in the last fifty thousand years. Once it has been wiped. There will be a vacuum. There is a role that you will fill and it will not tax you too much but you will be consulted by those who will take responsibility for new forms of trading, until the point when trading becomes unnecessary. However we realise that a lot of you like trading, so we may be in favour of new forms of existence and beingness. The trader can be an archetype that can exist within the multiverses. In a way the trader balances the forces. This is an important lesson for many star nations who do not know how to balance but keep attesting to one form of beingness, avoiding and denying their other forms. This can build up over limitless time into an almost tangible form of karmic episode where the force is rebalanced. We realise now that it may be possible to trade in a way that both parties are edified by the metering of the karma through trading.

2002-09-24 So Here I Am

So Here I Am,
I’m the one just the one you’ve been waiting for

Breathe in the air around me

Feel me in your heart

Dissolve in to this vortex which is my soul

Feel the walls dissolve between us

As we spin towards the arc of light which is the Way

Carried aloud beyond imagination at break neck speed as the scenes change to unseen colours sheltered sounds of inner crystals aroma disperse and refresh every tenth of a nanosecond. Being the Brilliance as we plunge toward the centre of it all Nirvana the Galaxy the Core the Source the Zenith the Trinity the Two the One the Tao.

As we reach the point of greatest tension the unseen forces unleash themselves on each other, without our knowledge they destroy each other in our loving wake.

In this new beginning there are new ways that cannot be written, but notated yea, verily.

For it is of the order of sound of colour of light of geometric form. The Living Buddha, the source of all things is alive on this very planet we live on, in these times that we live in, even these very weekdays.

We have to understand that the concrete way is the way of responding to the present by way of past precedents. The higher way is the way of responding creatively in every moment, thus creating new precedents. Sufficient numbers of people doing this has already decrystallised much of this work already. The concrete way is the way of much of the world that we have grown up in. This will soon no longer be the case.

The left hand path is the one concerned with self and the personality and has done many heinous things to feed its hunger. This is also based in concrete reality. Thus to affect one we can affect the other and cause a leverage to shift these crystallised patterns.
So responding creatively and (this time around), harmlessly to any given situation will enable a peaceful wake behind you. This will open up creativity for others. The world based on the crystallised concrete reality will fade away, and eventually crumble to ash.
The “mind-stuff” of the Buddhic plane is known as Chitta, and the Buddhists call the quality that Christians call “soul” as BodhiChitta. Thus our soul is made of the highest form of intelligence: compassion.
In that space is where we meet. Stay with compassion. Avoid belligerence. Love is everywhere. It is like the zero point vacuum energy. Between every atom is a vast amount of Love, drawing everything together. 7 is the key. The only way in to God’s plan. Beyond the 7 there may be linear expectations, but within the soul of every living being is the knowledge of the reality of the 7 rays.
And within that the revelation of the simplicity of the complexity of nature, recreating itself in ever increasing spirals, until we get to galaxies and stars and planets and tides and fish and atoms and energy once more in vibration and all in the ratio of harmonies and all related to each other in subtle inner ways.
I’ll either get on your nerves or make you feel a lot less alone.

You make me feel a lot less alone. Even when you’re not here.
Don’t worry about a thing. Ever again. This is a new day, a new place. This planet of ours. We can breathe life into the ashes. For that is what we all are when the water leaves us. We can take mountains of ashes and fill tyres and make them into homes.

Thine is the colour of the night. But it is indigo, not black. The deepest blue, sometimes indistinguishable by the eye from black. The colour of the Heart Centre in its ray form.”

2012-05-22 New Journey

You are embarking on a new journey, one that has not been trodden before. There are so many new things to discover. You will redefine the meaning of many things and they will become plain for us all. There is a re-education program and you are part of it. Not alone. Many helpers. You will see. It is a wonderful thing. You are at the centre of it. Do not be afraid, you cannot lose, it already exists in the future.