2009-01-03 First Contact

So are we waiting for first contact? Will it come soon?
It will come soon enough. There are things that must be fulfilled before first contact can happen and it will happen in the right order.

There is a cosmic law which does not allow first contact until the time is right for a certain percentage of the worlds population, you must ask for it in other words.

Right now it is nearly there at the critical mass, this will fulfil very soon and you will see the skies full of craft that will be unmistakably non-terrestrial. There will be no doubt by the people and there will be sighs in the corridors of power as this is not what they have wanted.

No-one will be hurt by this event but there will be self-destructive elements in the dark cabal who wish to destroy you. There will be a struggle to neutralise these beings but there will be no turning back.