2009-01-01 A Year to Remember

There are things that will make this year one to remember but may not be the best of memories. On a personal level you will be fine and so will your family. There are many other people who will be unable to even stay alive this year because of the changes

Remember you were looking forward to being poor; that’s because it will be the new way. Many others will be looking to you to help with the disaster because of your specific experience, believe it or not.

There are many who are saying this will happen, that will happen. They are all correct to a degree but the scale may not be as large as they are envisioning. There will be an event soon, which will shock and dismay the world but you will be prepared and the shock will not be so great. There are plans that are unfolding for the dark side to carry out but as I have told you before the seeds for their destruction are carried within the mechanism for this plan to carry out. There will be no danger to you and yours but there is a large event coming soon which will take the world by surprise. Your best position is one of calmness. You are assured and you can assure the people around you that there will be no danger to them if they too stay calm. There is a lot to take on with this event but your help will be invaluable to those who can hear.

What about my family in London?
There is danger there but there will be ample time for them to keep out of harms way. There is a reckoning that will render London a danger zone for a few weeks. There will be time for some to leave but they must be prepared.

What does that mean? Poison? Biowarfare?
I cannot give you this information because there are several scenarios waiting to unfold. There may be a tiny version of something much larger, but as I said the larger picture will unfold the dark side with a great amount of speed, but there may be damage that may fall out to others.

Is there going to be a 911 event in London?
That is what we are saying. It is not certain which scenario may unfold, as there are warring factions and they may try to sabotage each other. There may be a very small version, as the great danger will have been averted. There are events avoided on a regular basis. The greatest danger comes from the special forces and clone armies. The problem with the clone armies is that they have a short life and they are unable to deal with certain agents in the atmosphere. The problem will fizzle out so to speak but there will be a short period of chaos and potential conflict. This is one of the reasons you left the south.

Will their appearance of one of these scenarios preclude others?
Yes there is a path through which will entail the least destruction but there will need to be a playing out of these scenarios.

Do I need to warn anyone?
You can recommend that people have the ability to get out of town as quickly as possible, keep a full tank, some cash in hand, stored food etc. do not make it too scary, but make it clear that they need to be on alert. “