2009-09-07 A Marvellous Event

We are waiting for a marvellous event to happen very very soon in your terms.

Hello, I’ve been feeling that there is something going to happen but you say marvellous? Is that a positive?
It is not so much of a positive as something that you would marvel at and thus the word is used in its correct context.

So something enormous will be happening soon, but will it be a false flag operation to make us all scared?
This is the intention, but the human race is awakened, and this is the time for it to say no to all the manipulation that it faces.

Will it be a more obvious thing than 9-11?
Yes indeed. The level of sophistication of thought is now such that all things put out by the government is automatically put into the “suspicious” box. Humans are indeed waking up and then the news media will be at the forefront of defending itself, as many lies will simultaneously surface to weaken their points further.

So they will really bungle this one then?
Yes indeed. You will clearly see cracks in the edges of their performance this time. The dollars weakened state will also affect the credibility of these events.

And how about the poor American people, will they be led to the slaughter, or will we all survive?
The Americans will suffer but there will be a denouement and that is the start of the civil war which will definitely harm the powers that be to such an extent that they may even leave America for their safe places earlier than they had planned. This then will lead on to a kind of pogrom, and they will be decimated by the general people. It will happen soon.