2015-05-26: Good Cheer

if you were to see things from our perspective you would see energy flows, much as you see distant galaxies as whole single things.

it is with good cheer we greet you for much of the hardship on your planet of residence is almost over.

I know you guys always say that but time is so slow down here it still feels interminable
we can understand but as you say we don’t know what it is like down there

if you were to see things from our perspective you would see energy flows, much as you see distant galaxies as whole single things.

So, what is news? I feel like there is a lot going on inside and outside of me
yes you may be aware of many movements within the powers that be. They knew their time was up and it is the end of their world, but they didn’t realise it as only their world. The world you are creating will just keep going..