2011-03-29 Heartache

Hello, we can feel your heartache and that is important. It means your soul is awake and you can see and feel the suffering of your fellow humans. You have a particular karmic and lineage connection to the great nation of Japan, and it is in that that you will become initiated to become much more than that which you are just now. There is indeed a lot happening. You will be able to publish information to help the people of the world as they destroy the cabal that so long ago you failed to, not by your own merits but by the mistakes of others in your team and their leadership, that you may right the whole of the wrong done to the solar system and the galaxy.

Wow is it that important? What am I supposed to do then? It sounds like a task well beyond me.
You are where you are for a very important reason. The radiation cannot be seen or felt yet by the people of the world. But you do know what the names of the perpetrators are. They must be unveiled and revealed to the public in ways that you have abilities to maker a difference in. There is not a magical formula that you will need to remember, just a simple progression that will appear to be normal for you. There is a long road ahead but the end of the road is clarity, freedom and a release from the shackles that have bound this planet for millennia. There is little to tell you now as it will all unfold at a natural pace but you will know that what we have told you will come to pass and that the ones you have known will be vindicated and justified. Your task was as a scout. You will help keep the galaxy from the tyranny that would have manifested. You do not need to do anything, go anywhere, except if it pleases you. Your task is to see, and we see through your eyes and then we will know and you will see it come to pieces before your eyes. All in its naturral order of time.

So do I need to go out handing leaflets?
Not unless you feel strongly to. Your task, as we have said, is to learn, to learn as much as you can about the nature of the beast. Humans must understand that they are not the subjects of these beasts any longer, but they are still in their thrall, as they have had nothing else to compare it to. You on the other hand have had an inkling that something was wrong. It has been a feature of all of your incarnations… a certain tone. This has been no bad thing in the end, but it has meant that you have not had such an enjoyable time living here than most.
What about the comet? I had this vision… did I see what was to happen later this year?
You did indeed. There is no cause for alarm, as you will be protected wherever you are. Your soul is much too precious. We will also be able to perform an extraction at the final moments of your life, so you may finally return home. Your timeline will be reset and things will remain in their golden state. The sad part is, no-one will ever know. You may write a book about it perhaps, just so that there can be some kind of record..

So it will be stuck in some kind of temporal loop, but not a main timeline?
The idea of timelines is as you know a little more complex than simple thread-like strands or streams of timestuff but in essence there will remain a backwater where your present existence will remain. It is a rich seam of experience for many travellers, students and tourists, but in the end it will wither away and become like a museum piece that is simply some kind of curiosity. Its relegation to that phase or state will indeed be due to your team of hundreds of thousands of others all receiving the impulse.