2005-12-01 Unfolding

So [your existence is]  a combination of the ideas of the shape-shifting Founders in Deep Space 9, and the Kosh in Babylon 5
Yes, nine to five indeed. How you may picture us is make a fist in your left hand and see how the fingers spiral back from the fingertips. Each fold is like an unfolding from one inner dimension to the next. There is much space, but the angle is tight. This provides the dimensional shift and you drift down through angles until you get to reality as you may know it now.
It spirals out until it gets to the end of the hand, then onto the elbow, finally reaching the shoulder once there it expands up down and front and back to create the body.
Here is how you created god.

If you visualise a tree pushing into the air, then feel that as a regular pulsing, through the years, we push energy as much as we can given the cycles.
This makes everything become more conscious and grow. You humans can speed this process up by making harmonious sounds on the planet.