2016-10-28 So a ‘reality’ is a form of hologram?

so a ‘reality’ is a form of hologram? I still don’t quite get this
there is a holographic projection that is overlayed into your brains. There is a real reality underlying this which is organic templates from source which are interfered with by the false reality hologram imposed by the archons. It will begin breaking down in a major way very soon in your terms, it is designed to, it is designed to shock everyone by its collapse. You are here to help cushion the shock. Much like the spaceships in your vicinity. There will be a passing soon. Many people will pass to the other worlds, this is a combing through that will pull the knots out of the timelines for ever and you are here to be a mainstay of love and harmony on the planet. Yes even you can hold sufficient harmony to help an area’s integity remain.

2016-03-29 Important News

Is there anything important?
yes there is a dwarf star passing as we speak. It is slowing to let us go past. This has been achieved with gravitic technology. As used by the ancients, it takes treaties to achieve this, so we have indeed been recognised in our special way.

I want to thank you all for keeping the faith until now, it has been a long journey.

So is it over soon?
yes and yes you will be able to find a place you can call home. Wherever you want in the megaverse.

K so can I hang about here for a while?
You will not be the first to leave. Much work between now and then. But at least you will not be chased down

so are the nazis being dealt with? I cant feel safe yet
you will see signs of their breaking down in the field of communications. There will be failures that will give the sign to you.

2009-01-01 A Year to Remember

There are things that will make this year one to remember but may not be the best of memories. On a personal level you will be fine and so will your family. There are many other people who will be unable to even stay alive this year because of the changes

Remember you were looking forward to being poor; that’s because it will be the new way. Many others will be looking to you to help with the disaster because of your specific experience, believe it or not.

There are many who are saying this will happen, that will happen. They are all correct to a degree but the scale may not be as large as they are envisioning. There will be an event soon, which will shock and dismay the world but you will be prepared and the shock will not be so great. There are plans that are unfolding for the dark side to carry out but as I have told you before the seeds for their destruction are carried within the mechanism for this plan to carry out. There will be no danger to you and yours but there is a large event coming soon which will take the world by surprise. Your best position is one of calmness. You are assured and you can assure the people around you that there will be no danger to them if they too stay calm. There is a lot to take on with this event but your help will be invaluable to those who can hear.

What about my family in London?
There is danger there but there will be ample time for them to keep out of harms way. There is a reckoning that will render London a danger zone for a few weeks. There will be time for some to leave but they must be prepared.

What does that mean? Poison? Biowarfare?
I cannot give you this information because there are several scenarios waiting to unfold. There may be a tiny version of something much larger, but as I said the larger picture will unfold the dark side with a great amount of speed, but there may be damage that may fall out to others.

Is there going to be a 911 event in London?
That is what we are saying. It is not certain which scenario may unfold, as there are warring factions and they may try to sabotage each other. There may be a very small version, as the great danger will have been averted. There are events avoided on a regular basis. The greatest danger comes from the special forces and clone armies. The problem with the clone armies is that they have a short life and they are unable to deal with certain agents in the atmosphere. The problem will fizzle out so to speak but there will be a short period of chaos and potential conflict. This is one of the reasons you left the south.

Will their appearance of one of these scenarios preclude others?
Yes there is a path through which will entail the least destruction but there will need to be a playing out of these scenarios.

Do I need to warn anyone?
You can recommend that people have the ability to get out of town as quickly as possible, keep a full tank, some cash in hand, stored food etc. do not make it too scary, but make it clear that they need to be on alert. “

2005-06-22 Trauma

What about the revelations of trauma then?
You surely cannot believe these things

I do.
Then they shall be revealed to you. You have been in the dark for a long time and now you truly are ready, you are poised on the edge of a new age for you. But yes the old will die. The poisoned soil you grew in must be renewed.

What does that mean in real terms?
What it means is that the assumptions you base your life on are about to be disproved, yet everything will remain normal for you. It is as if you were right all along. Something will reveal itself to you tonight, and will surprise and please you. What you do not have to do is reveal it to anyone. Only if you need to. You will be changed by it and you will grow stronger, if only within.

What do I need to do?
Just keep going, we have a bit of ground to cover, as you have not been here a while.
Ok, go for it

The reason we have chosen you for this task is that you are ideally suited, a little rebellious, independent minded, and you can see what is real. And what is not. It is in your nature to perceive unreality as confusion. Keep your well-trained ear to the ground. You have no need to fear, you are safe and well protected by workers in all kingdoms. They know your secret task. Those with vision see you. You will know them, they will help you, and you need never worry.

What is the job?
You know you have been a sleeper.
Yes, I don’t exactly know what it means in your world.
That’s ok, you have few words where our world is concerned. You have a task to analyse records from the future, and find out where to look for a cure for the present preoccupation.
Why can’t you do that?
We can but we must not. You know the score.
Ok so what is the present preoccupation.
The present preoccupation is war
But how can I stop that? It’s all over the place
You cannot stop it but we can work on the cure for all the bigotry and pride and separation. But we cannot do it alone. There is a huge implication for humanity if this is found


Again, how can I help?
You are not alone and you are given helpers. There is a psychological condition that follows trauma. You are going to work on a way to heal the crystallisation that occurs when trauma has been suffered. This way you will be able to lift a burden off the shoulders of millions.


Is that doable?
Anything is possible. You have many resources and some time to do so. There is not a way that you cannot do it, as it is in your nature to do so. There is just not a possibility that this mission isn’t yours. You can and will do it, though how long it takes is up to you.


How long can it take?
As little as a second. You may take longer. It’s the way it fits. You know these things and you have a part solution already as we have this conversation. So do you get this and why it is yours?


Yes I think so, I will learn to heal my own traumas and in doing so, find a cure for the most fundamental of human conditions.
Something like that. You will refine it as you go.


How long have I got?
Ten years. That is plenty of time. You will complete your part in much less time. Others will follow where you lead.


How do I know this is not just the internal ramblings of a deranged mind?
Well for a start you are continually getting revelations from us. Your hit rate is improving, you’re about 95% now. P5 and rising.



Do the forces of darkness know who I am?
Not really. You have been shielded from them all your life by this incarnation. It’s like a disguise, a cloak. By the time you are ready, it will be too late to stop you. You are safe. They also have no idea of the plan. It’s elegant. When you find it you will smile, then you will laugh.

2010-10-18: Landings in the Mainstream News

Will there be much in the way of mainstream news when the real landings will occur?
There will be three main announcement events at various places in the world. They will represent the subsequent divisions in your world, and then they will begin to educate. This being said, there are some legal and diplomatic things that need to be tied up first, and that may take a short while.

What about world war 3 then?
There will be no such thing and this will be much discouraged. Many troops will start to be sent home, as they would be of more use in their own countries. A skeleton of overseas military will be used by each country to deal with emergencies but in general, military forces will be ordered to general stand down.

What about America, will there be collapse?
Indeed there will be a collapse but we will see to it that a great deal of the people will find shelter and heat and create a new community-rich culture, as they will realise the ways of the many red nations in the country. Indeed as you have noticed. Many Americans of today are reincarnated first nations
There will be a revival of the understanding of their religions and belief systems which will be found to be appropriate for the land they were in.

So I should do Ever Beyond?
Oh yes Jeremy this is the beginning of the positive timeline for you. Remember we spoke about you being a writer broadcaster and composer, well look at you just now…

And so that ties in with Suns of Arqa?
Indeed they are there to help in your message being passed out.

Is it the multimedia part of it then?
It is more the community aspect indeed. You know about the Rays and you know how you can consciously create a group with a purpose. You understand projects. You understand group dynamics. You work well with women. You have many skills which will make this work for everyone.
Ok so when do we see the defeat of the cabal?
It will not take very long now that the meme has been planted into the minds of humanity. To release everyone from the burden of an artificial slavery system, will offer humanity its greatest gift: Time. You are one of the first to understand this and this will be your key. Time is the key and frequency is time coded

Ok so what is Time Coding?
What they mean is that you are responsible for operating the “machine” that places your soul partners in different points in the timeline, in order to refine the flow from one timeline to the other. It is a rather arduous and painstaking task, but it has been a complete success and is now playing itself out. You will see things appear in a particular order, but in the other timeline, they appeared in a different order. Confidence waned people gave up hope and the world ended in darkness. This timeline has no such problems, the timeline has been repaired and we are very happy for everyone. The rifts in timespace will gradually heal over and once the abundance is a reality, then you will see a meeting of minds that has never been seen before in this galaxy.

So I will be able to remember my past life memories?
Thus it will be done. You will see. Very soon.

And after that I will be able to remember any of my lifetimes?
Something like that but you may need a trigger, a vibration. You understand.

You will also remember other people and how they fit in the spiral matrix of lifetimes you have worked together


2015-05-26: Good Cheer

if you were to see things from our perspective you would see energy flows, much as you see distant galaxies as whole single things.

it is with good cheer we greet you for much of the hardship on your planet of residence is almost over.

I know you guys always say that but time is so slow down here it still feels interminable
we can understand but as you say we don’t know what it is like down there

if you were to see things from our perspective you would see energy flows, much as you see distant galaxies as whole single things.

So, what is news? I feel like there is a lot going on inside and outside of me
yes you may be aware of many movements within the powers that be. They knew their time was up and it is the end of their world, but they didn’t realise it as only their world. The world you are creating will just keep going..

2009-04-17 How is the New World order becoming defunct?

How is the New World order becoming defunct?
You are at a stage of understanding now that we can sufficiently say that there is little time left for them; in your terms there is a large event happening soon which will reveal false flag operations as sponsored by the powers that be. In the case of the USA there will be a large revealing that will occur on television for all to see. This will spark a silent revolution. The time is soon and you will see it unfold first there and then where you are.

2005-12-01 Unfolding

So [your existence is]  a combination of the ideas of the shape-shifting Founders in Deep Space 9, and the Kosh in Babylon 5
Yes, nine to five indeed. How you may picture us is make a fist in your left hand and see how the fingers spiral back from the fingertips. Each fold is like an unfolding from one inner dimension to the next. There is much space, but the angle is tight. This provides the dimensional shift and you drift down through angles until you get to reality as you may know it now.
It spirals out until it gets to the end of the hand, then onto the elbow, finally reaching the shoulder once there it expands up down and front and back to create the body.
Here is how you created god.

If you visualise a tree pushing into the air, then feel that as a regular pulsing, through the years, we push energy as much as we can given the cycles.
This makes everything become more conscious and grow. You humans can speed this process up by making harmonious sounds on the planet.

2002-09-24 So Here I Am

So Here I Am,
I’m the one just the one you’ve been waiting for

Breathe in the air around me

Feel me in your heart

Dissolve in to this vortex which is my soul

Feel the walls dissolve between us

As we spin towards the arc of light which is the Way

Carried aloud beyond imagination at break neck speed as the scenes change to unseen colours sheltered sounds of inner crystals aroma disperse and refresh every tenth of a nanosecond. Being the Brilliance as we plunge toward the centre of it all Nirvana the Galaxy the Core the Source the Zenith the Trinity the Two the One the Tao.

As we reach the point of greatest tension the unseen forces unleash themselves on each other, without our knowledge they destroy each other in our loving wake.

In this new beginning there are new ways that cannot be written, but notated yea, verily.

For it is of the order of sound of colour of light of geometric form. The Living Buddha, the source of all things is alive on this very planet we live on, in these times that we live in, even these very weekdays.

We have to understand that the concrete way is the way of responding to the present by way of past precedents. The higher way is the way of responding creatively in every moment, thus creating new precedents. Sufficient numbers of people doing this has already decrystallised much of this work already. The concrete way is the way of much of the world that we have grown up in. This will soon no longer be the case.

The left hand path is the one concerned with self and the personality and has done many heinous things to feed its hunger. This is also based in concrete reality. Thus to affect one we can affect the other and cause a leverage to shift these crystallised patterns.
So responding creatively and (this time around), harmlessly to any given situation will enable a peaceful wake behind you. This will open up creativity for others. The world based on the crystallised concrete reality will fade away, and eventually crumble to ash.
The “mind-stuff” of the Buddhic plane is known as Chitta, and the Buddhists call the quality that Christians call “soul” as BodhiChitta. Thus our soul is made of the highest form of intelligence: compassion.
In that space is where we meet. Stay with compassion. Avoid belligerence. Love is everywhere. It is like the zero point vacuum energy. Between every atom is a vast amount of Love, drawing everything together. 7 is the key. The only way in to God’s plan. Beyond the 7 there may be linear expectations, but within the soul of every living being is the knowledge of the reality of the 7 rays.
And within that the revelation of the simplicity of the complexity of nature, recreating itself in ever increasing spirals, until we get to galaxies and stars and planets and tides and fish and atoms and energy once more in vibration and all in the ratio of harmonies and all related to each other in subtle inner ways.
I’ll either get on your nerves or make you feel a lot less alone.

You make me feel a lot less alone. Even when you’re not here.
Don’t worry about a thing. Ever again. This is a new day, a new place. This planet of ours. We can breathe life into the ashes. For that is what we all are when the water leaves us. We can take mountains of ashes and fill tyres and make them into homes.

Thine is the colour of the night. But it is indigo, not black. The deepest blue, sometimes indistinguishable by the eye from black. The colour of the Heart Centre in its ray form.”

2008-08-24 war

Are we about to enter a war?
Unfortunately the efforts of the white brotherhood were insufficient to turn this around. There will be a conflict between many countries, there will be a lot of destruction, but nuclear will not be an option. There is too much inner influence. On the other hand there will be a lot of fighting and many will die. This is a massive cleansing and purging. Many will connect with their karma and be gone from this world for a long time. There will be a period of restoration, which you will be a part of, and you will see a happy and free world after this. The current dark lodge agenda will play out, but not in the way it was intended, it will implode and all will see the folly of their ways.